This would be my greatest challenge to date, All my skills must be focused like a lazer beam..
Sipping from me juice box a "THUNDEROUS" KA-THWACK , KA-THUNK, KA-FLOP... came from outside me camp and i sprung into action! With the speed of a Wombat , inches from me grasp I was distracted by a Herd of Wild Grunge Fellows (very dangerous) The alpha grunge stated" HEY FOOTMAN WHAT ABOUT OUR FEET, THEY TOO GOOD FOR YA" .. With seconds to spare i screamed a diversonary call " HEY IS THAT AVRIL LAVIGNE GIVIN YOU THE FINGA!!! "... Frightened and confused they scattered leaving me for the kill....
Observe the matching black old navy floppers (very rare) and the lengthy digits attached to the shelia on the left, this should fetch a fare price on the open market.......... I MEAN " One for the throphy case" im no poacher..
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