Ciao amico fidato! Behold Italian feet so lovely they could make Nero stop fiddling,kick the tower of pisa in the other direction and make Michealangelo's david get off his stone pillar and say "hey now those are nice feet !"
These captivating size 8 1/2's are wrapped in strappy Nine West sandals with a cute beaded design in the front and a nice leather strap to hold it together in the rear..( and remember folks without the strap its just a flip flop).
So go to an presentable supermarket and get some decent cheese may i suggest a Reggiano Parmesan it goes for about 13 bucks a pound ( and dont buy the whole pound) a gallon of cheap red wine ( like Carlo Rossi) and enjoy these feet from the Mediterranean that are as pure as the canals of Venice....
"Hey was that an eggplant floating by.... Man i hope that was an eggplant...."
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