"Deese Ain't CROCS.... It's a Fugazy"

DONNIE: I'm saying give it to somebody don't know any better. It's a fugazy.
LEFTY: How can you say it's a fugazy? You looked at it two seconds.
DONNIE: Go ahead, try and sell it, you wanna be a dunsky.
LEFTY: (angry) I'm a dunsky? Let me tell you something, my friend -- do you know who you're talking to?
Al Pacino and Johnny Depp. Donnie Brasco.
Allow me rant for a minute...If it isn't bad enough some fucking retard managed to manufactured the ugliest shoe on the planet they also made them in the most queer colors. In my opinion these shoes are more offensive to the eye than a hot dog shit sandwich. Marketed to rich white people, granola hippies and their spoiled parasite offspring as an "Ecco-friendly boating/outdoor shoe because of its slip-resistant, non-marking sole."... These pompous, egotistical assholes should be beaten with their own overpriced shoes and thrown from a moving van on to 125th street and Adam Clayton Powell blvd. with T-shirts that say "WHITE POWER".
But the biggest atrocity is that these are "fakes","Knock-Off's"... Yes, This horizontally challenged fashon victim walks proudly in bootleg, counterfeit CROCS..... Oh the humanity... May you be on the beach and have seal hunters beat you to death with their giant clubs and use you skin for a coat that can only be sold in the Burlington Coat Factory.....
Ok, I'm done....