Lesson #43 .... THE BARTER SYSTEM

Max: Sure, that's why you live in shit!
Master: Not shit! Energy!
The Collector: Pig shit. The lights, the motors, the vehicles, all run by a high-powered gas called methane.
Max: Call it what you like. It still smells like shit to me!
Ah the barter system.. you need somthing and I need somthing, So Lets make a deal.... A college bake sale is a great place to score pho-toes due to the rise of tuiton and the cost of living.. Most grungy co-ed's are too cheap to shell out the 50 cents for a delicious home made brownie so you can imagine what five bucks can get you.... (and I didn't even take their shitty brownies) Anyway she sad thing about these aspiring dance students is they rarely get a happy ending. Most of the time their careers take them to stages with a pole, mirrors and alot of Corona's or you can be lucky enough to get your hip angry junky boyfriend to surgically remove your head with a hacksaw... And for the lucky few that do make it to Broadway might only be cast in a Rosie O'donnell about Boy George that closes after a few weeks... So with with much solace I say "Break a leg..." and then sue....