Fats: Richard Pryor said that when he was in prison, he kept folks laughing to keep their mind off his booty. Do you know any jokes?
Kid: I don't know any jokes.
Fats: Well, you better think of something.
Kid: What if I can't think of anything?
Fats: Light's out, party's over, cake's on the griddle, and you're already greased.
Memorable quotes for House Party (1990)
I do love a good party, barbaque smokin', liquor flowin' and the feets be kickin' (kickin' in a good way not not in a funky way).. Anayway there is always one model her name escapes me right now but it starts with a "J"...... who causes dismay amongst the other women by pointing out tiny flaws or imperfections which usually leads to hair pulling and bitch slapping and; a abrupt end to my photo shoot.... So I say "All feet are beautiful in there own way" and "Sticks and stones may break my bones"......But do it again and I'll step on your bunion.... You know who you are....