One man's obsession for feet and shoes...
Its finally gotten to the point where refuse to say merry Christmas or happy new year to people that I didn’t see throughout the holidays…not that I’m a total grump, I’m just done with it…So if you were looking for a greeting go scratch.. its like leftover Chinese food do you save it or throw it out… either way if you see the delivery boy the next day you don’t tip him again….
In keeping up with current trends and fashion (As you know I’m a punctual sort of guy) I’ve decided to give a glimpse of the future first ladies feet.. it was not an easy photo to get and im sure some government agency will be violating my rights shortly but it will be worth the time spent in Club Gitmo…. And for those who say I don’t have enough women of color in my blog is because they usually beat me up and take my camera….
With the blooming of the Cherry Blossom trees in Washington DC so do the wild toes of Ridgewood N.J. All winter they lay dormant in boots and socks waiting for a 60 degree temperature to bud in the spring air. Now some varieties keep all winter long, neat and polished for yoga or swimming, while others fall to the wayside.. To those that braved the winter and kept the fires burning you have my deepest admiration. To the rest of you, I am very, Very disappointed.. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE…..
“Chess is life.”
Should you be allowed to voice your completely insane opinions to millions of people just because you are good at chess? I am not a smart man but I think no.. and I run a website about feet.. He should have been ignored like we do to most of the babbling undomiciled transients we run into on a daily basis. Maybe someone could have given him some change or a bowl of soup to keep him quiet… I mean its just chess, not brain surgery..