Trilogy: /ˈtrɪl ə dʒi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[tril-uh-jee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -gies.
1. a series or group of three plays, novels, operas, etc., that, although individually complete, are closely related in theme, sequence, or the like. 2. (in ancient Greek drama) a series of three complete and usually related tragedies performed at the festival of Dionysus and forming a tetralogy with the satyr play. 3. a group of three related things.
[Origin: 1655–65; <>tri-, -logy]
As far as movie trilogy’s go they never end well. For instance, The Godfather 3 was a train wreck with Al Pachino taking a dive off the chair at the end and Sophia Coppola’s big fat crybaby face. Halloween three had nothing to do with Halloween one or two. Frodo and Samwise got very gay in the final Lord Of The Rings series and Hayden Christensen should be taken out back and shot for what he did to the star wars trilogy… Even the Return Of The Jedi was ruined by a bunch of retarded dancing gerbils. My point is (if I ever have one) that the third part of the trilogy is the clean up… Time to tie up all those loose ends and try to make sense of everything that transpired in the first two …. Or just make more sequels….
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