Deck Them Halls...... IT'S OVER

Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] Football? Football? What's a football?
Santa Claus: Okay, get him out of here.
Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] A football? Oh no, what was I doing? Wake up, Stupid! Wake up! Ralphie: [Ralphie is shoved down the slide, but he stops himself and climbs back up] No! No! I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!
Santa Claus: You'll shoot your eye out, kid.
Memorable Quotes from A Christmas Story (1983)
yes the holiday season is over and everyone is back to being miserable again, so it's time to answer the age old question when is it time to take down the Christmas lights... Now if your like me you waited until the last minute and had to be shamed into doing it... To let my secret be told my display actually takes little effort and planning (for those catty asshole neighbor's who spend the entire year pondering a theme). I go to the HOME DEPOT and buy as many $1.99 lights I can fit in my truck and staple it to the front of the house..Taa-Daa.. When spring hits I grab one strand and run down the street until the house is clean... sure the wood has more staples than a Bronx telephone pole but it keeps away those pesky "End Of The World" jesus types.
Happy New Year... Now Piss Off....
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