Party people -- All around me feeling hot hot hot
What to do - On a night like thisMusic sweet - I can't resist
We need a party song - A fundamental jam....
So we go rum-bum-bum-bum
Yeah we rum-bum-bum-bum
Feeling hot hot hot -- Feeling hot hot hot - oh Lord.."
You know who they are. You see them holidays, weddings christenings... They're sexy and demure... they play coy.. you play coy back... Your conversations are short and witty.. you find yourself..***(Attention, This is a special bulletin: I have never found any woman in my lifetime other than my incredibley forgiving wife "hot, sexy or demure" If I ever utter these words again and they are not directed at the "LITE OF MY LIFE" I will spend the rest of my miserable life in undescribable pain the likes of which I cannot imagine.... coincidentally I am no longer to have contact with any member of her family living or deceased because I am a bad, bad boy.......)*******
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