VINTAGE 35mm PHOTO (circa 1989)

I got a Nicon camera, I love to take a photograph So
mama don't take my Kodachrome away...
Mama don't take my Kodachrome away,
mama don't take my Kodachrome away,
Mama don't take my Kodachrome away...."
SIMON & GARFUNKEL lyrics - "Kodachrome"
Ahh times were simpler back then. Look Who's Talking was tearing up the box office with a thin Kirstie Alley. An old Ronald Regan was turning over the presidency to a younger George H.W. Bush. That talentless spoiled bitch "GWYNETH PALTROW" was still ten years away from winning the Academy Award for Shakespeare in Love, and Milli Vanilli's "Blame It On The Rain" was blasting on every car stero..35mm film reigned supreme and each camera weighed fourteen pounds. Yup those were good times.
Oh by the way I have no idea who this is in the photo but guaranteed she was a filthy hippie....
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