The Foot Blog

One man's obsession for feet and shoes...

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Ipswitch: Ms. Benes the eight-thousand dollar hat you charged to the company was Sable, this is Neutria.
Elaine: Well, that's a kind of sable.
Ipswitch: No, its a kind of rat.
Elaine: That's a rat hat?
Ipswitch: And a poorly made one, even by rat hat standards. I have no choice but to recommend your prompt termination to the board of directors
Elaine: Wait? Can I fire you?
Ipswitch: No.

Seinfeld episode "THE CHICKEN ROASTER"

Where can you get five dollar boots that are this stylish and warm.... Why "PAYLESS" of course... Somewhere in Indonesia very small children (about 1/3 our size) are working feverishly, day and night for about two cents a day so we can wear the hides of these abundantly multiplying rodents.... Now dont get me wrong I'm not against five year olds working in sweat shops I mean learning a marketable trade at such a young age builds character and teaches responsibility... And as far as fair wages did you know that you can get a 16 year old prostitute, a bottle of booze and and a room for the night for five cents in Indonesia? Now that's somthing to think about.......


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