ZUBIN: You know, it's the only country that still has the plague? I mean, the plague! Please! If I had to go to India, I wouldn't go to the bathroom the entire trip...."
Seinfeld Episode, "The Betrayal"
Found in a shoe bin for under five dollars these flimsy, brittle and from what I'm told uncomfortable sandals can last a person in India up to twelve years.... AND cost two weeks salary.. So cherrish your "Jimmy Choo's" and your "Vera Wang's" and your "Mootsy Tootsy's"....Because you never know when you'll be begging in the streets of New Delhi missing a hand or a foot...AND Then you'll be sorry... because you'll only need one shoe... and no one will want to sell it to you because they don't want to break up the pair. so there...
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